UPDATE: The BradHazel.com SHOP is in the final statges of development and will be available soon.

About This Site

Welcome to BradHazel.com! You might have stumbled across this site by chance, or perhaps something about it caught your eye. Either way, I’m thrilled you’re here! While I may not be a household name or someone you’d find on a most-wanted list, I’ve been selectively sharing my lifes journey off and on over the years since early 2000’s and it’s been quite the adventure.

How BradHazel.com Got it's Start

In its earliest days, BradHazel.com served a very different purpose. Back in the “good old days”, I was heavily involved in motocross racing and I’m proud to say I was an above average rider. When the rise of freestyle motocross was in its development a lot of riders created there own dot com’s and I wanted one of my own. This website was originally created as a platform to showcase my riding skills and market myself to potential sponsors in hopes of resuscitating a part of my past that I’d greatly missed. However, my time had passed and turning pro was a lost reality that wasn’t coming back. Once reality had set in, BradHazel.com pivoted to focusing more on my grown-up career, family, hobbies, and other interests. What began as a tool for promoting a motocross career dream has transformed into something totally different.

The 2025 Revitalization

Most of the content on this site will remain freely accessible without the need for registration, ensuring a wide variety of topics are available to everyone, hassle-free. By signing up for a free Registered User Account, you can enjoy a personalized experience, access downloadable content, and more. Keeping track of your downloads is easy through a centralized user dashboard. Additionally, creating an account allows you to save personal preferences for future visits, enjoy a smoother and more secure platform experience, and receive enhanced support when needed.

Premium Content Subscriptions

For those seeking more in-depth and updated material, an enhanced reading experience, and access to a wider selection of resources, premium content subscription are now available. A Premium Content Subscription will unlock access to exclusive posts, articles, video’s, downloads and more in one or more categories of your choice. Flexible payment plans include monthly, yearly, and limited lifetime options.

Friends & Family Access

My inner circle now has its own dedicated category and content. Pre-approved friends and family members will enjoy free, unlimited access to all public content as well as exclusive private, family-only portal.

Featured Content

Amateur Radio

Amateur Radio, also known as Ham Radio, is more than just a hobby—it’s a fantastic way to connect with people who share similar interests from around the world. It offers a unique platform for exchanging knowledge, sharing ideas, and engaging in dynamic conversations that inspire creativity and learning. While I may no longer be actively involved in the hobby, this section is still available due to its enduring popularity and serves as an historical archive for hard to find Resources for those beginning there communications journey.

DIY Projects

Making stuff as a DIY-er has always been a outlet for expressing my creativity and honing my craftsmanship. Home Remodeling and Woodworking presents an exciting challenge that pushes my skills to new heights. The satisfaction that comes from turning a vision into reality is incredibly rewarding, and I’m eager to showcase some of my favorite projects with you, hoping to inspire you to embark on your own DIY adventures!


What little boy isn’t mesmerized by trains? I, along with many other adults, have come to regard Model Railroading as the World’s Greatest Hobby. Join me and follow along with my Layout Progress Updates while I build my miniature empire. Let’s explore the rich history and advanced technology behind model railroading and more together!

Final Thoughts

January 2025 marked the official revitalization of BradHazel.com, all-new categories, articles, and posts, while also refreshing some popular past content. Over the years, this site has grown into a hub of diverse content that I hope resonates with you, no matter what brings you here. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your next home project, interested in learning more about a hobby, or just want to dive into some of my random thoughts and ideas, there’s something here for everyone. I invite you to explore, connect, and join me on life’s little journeys.

Thank you for stopping by!

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